Website News
Recent Projects Include
Extending our large range of towbars to include more recent vehicles.
Re-Vamping our web site to allow a more easier and friendly ordering of towbars.
Provision of a direct dial number from our Web Page
Increased staff to handle our calls from customers
More Vehicles to provide a prompt installation
Additional training for our engineers to allow towbar knowledge for new hybrid designed cars
Autumn Checklist
Now is the time to check rear car lighting systems used with towbars.
Tyre's are legal providing additional grip for towing needs.
All bulbs are working for use with your tow bar electrics.
That the tow bar is secure and not damaged from this years towing duties.
Winter Needs
Towbar Electric Service Check
Change of Vehicle - New Towbar
Additional Electrics
Move to an 'on vehicle hidden tow bar'